One of the dreams we have been giving shape over time is to dignify the work of the recyclers, not solely because they are the base of our supply chain of recycled material, but for their constant commitment to caring for the environment.
Through different activities we have made with of affiliate Eko Red, our wish is to give value to the work done by environmental recoverers, and offer them assistance to grow as a sector that gains importance in Colombia.


Fotografía del testimonio ELEUTERIA CHAVERRA


Recycling is a way to make a living. It is important since it stops so many things from going to the landfill, cleaning the environment and helps to reuse things. Enka is a very useful company because it produces yarns from bottles to make fabrics for garments and carrying bags. For me it’s a very useful and good company because it supports us in the recycling process. I thank Enka because it helps and supports us a lot.

Fotografía del testimonio GLADYS JIMENEZ


Recycling for me involves many areas. For instance, to take care of the environment, and secondly, to create jobs. For example, I am a single mother, I have a son with a disability and recycling has helped me move on with my son. Besides, it helps me advise others. For example, I teach those that give me the materials to recycle how to separate the materials at home, and that multiplies since they teach their own children and neighbors. Enka is working with recycling, for example, with PET, and the entire process is focused on that because it gets a lot of material out of that package, for instance, carrying bags which I know are from here, they take the yarn which is nylon…many things. And I want to thank Enka because for several years now I have attended its courses with some girlfriends and the Company treats us well. Enka has been very important and provided us training and gear.

Fotografía del testimonio LEONARDO OSORIO JIMENEZ


Enka is recycling. Enka helped me with my wheelbarrow, and I enjoy and learn the courses it gives me. I like to go to their meetings to learn important things.

Fotografía del testimonio LUIS ALFONSO ZULETA


Recycling is very important since it provides a good setting in the city and it helps us to earn a living for our families. Enka is a very good Company since many people work there, so it gives many jobs especially. I hope the factory never closes and keeps growing. For me, Enka has been a Factory which has always helped me. How? By giving me a wheelbarrow since we didn’t have any means to carry the recycled materials. I love to visit Enka because I get a lot from it, I learn many things. Nowhere else have I been given so many classes, courses, and I enjoy going because I learn more every day, and as time goes by – the more I learn.

Imagen sección

“Re Costa Caribe” Movement

Alongside Postobon, Pepsi, Cola-Cola, Femsa and Bavaria, Enka launched a campaign to promote recovery, reuse and recycling in the Colombian Caribbean coast.


Noticia de sostenibilidad

Enka launches its new bottle-to-bottle PET recycling plant, positioning as one of the five largest in the world.

  • Enka launches its new US$40 million bottle-to-bottle recycling plant for the production of EKO®PET resin.
  • The plant, which is located near Medellín Colombia, will allow the company to double collection levels from 3 to 6 million PET bottles per day.
  • ...
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Noticia de sostenibilidad


The new EKO®PET plant is in the final stage to start operations before the end of the year, with executed investments of COP$93,700 million, close to 84% of the total investment, progressing under the estimated schedules and budgets.

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Noticia de sostenibilidad


  • During Colombiaplast 2023, visitors will have the opportunity to learn first-hand about the business commitment of plastic resins to the circular economy that Enka has been working on in recent years.
  • Enka consolidates its sustainability str...
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