Industrial yarns

We have an extensive portfolio of nylon 6 and nylon 66 tire canvas tailored to the needs of the major tire producers worldwide.

We offer nylon 6 high-tenacity yarns and cords used in specialized industrial applications, such as nets, strings, narrow wovens, sewing threads, among others.

Nylon tire cord fabrics are used as reinforcement in automobile tires to guarantee greater resistance for optimal performance.

Tire cord fabrics are produced according to our clients’ specifications.

We provide our clients reliability and safety with our products because they are made with high quality standards, approved and homologated by mayor tire producers worldwide.

Suitable for the following applications

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    Reinforcement for tires (Truck, cars, Industrials, forest, Agro, Motorcycle, Bikes, etc.)

Application on end-products

Our nylon 6 yarns and cords are used in highly demanding applications in which mechanical strength, abrasion resistance, and UV protection are paramount. The quality of our products is backed by international certifications such as ISO 9001. We are also OEA and BASC certified for our logistics operations. We are present in over 16 countries where we design and meet all the needs of our clients in each market.

Suitable for the following applications

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    Fishing nets, safety nets, sports nets, and nets for agricultural applications
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    Marine ropes and cords
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    Narrow fabrics
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    MRG – Mechanical applications in rubber
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    Woven applications
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    Sewing threads
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    Health and sanitation applications
  • icono-aplicacion-7
    Reinforcement fabrics for tires

Application on end-products

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